(a) Application for admission on the prescribed form will normally be accepted in the month of April.
(b) A pupil who has attended any recognized school can be admitted with a countersigned Transfer Certificate.
(c) Every candidate for admission must be introduced in person to the Principal by the Remarks.
A student may be removed by school authorities on anyone of the following grounds:
1. Constant weakness in studies.
2. Habitual idleness and disobedience.
3. Irregular attendance
4. Indifference to the school activities.
5. Moral bleach considered serious by school authorities
(d) The fresh student who is entering in our school should produce an official birth certificate
(e) The principal has the right to refuse the continuation of studies to any pupil in this school, whose -conduct or influence is not satisfactory.
(f) In case of withdrawal, transfer certificate and other security deposit will be released on clearance of school dues. The application form T.C. is given in the diary.
(g) Application for T.C. should be submitted two days in advance. No T.C. will be issued during the holidays. |