The medium of instruction of this school is English. It is necessary that each student must keep up more then 90% of attendance of the total no. of working days in the school year. In case of leave except on ground of illness the parents/ guardians of the students themselves should get the leave granted by the Principal well in advance. The students should respect the beauty of the school premises and should not pluck or destroy flowers, leaves etc. Damage or disfigurement of any kind done to the school property must be made good. Besides it carries a big penalty and may even result in dismissal. Avoid playing in the classrooms and corridors. No collection for any celebration should be made without any prior permission of the Principal. Students are not allowed to be absent on the closing day or re-opening day or when ever there is a school function.
Parents are informed that their children are liable to be taken action by the management for:
01. Not wearing the correct uniform.
02. Not having the leave record duly completed.
03. Repeatedly forgetting to bring the required book.
04. Not bringing the diary daily to school.
05. Not getting the remarks signed.
06. Involvement in immoral acts.